Ant and Dove
An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed so fast that he was washed off from the bank into the river. 7 shall drown" he cried. "Help! Help! Help!", but his voice was so tiny that it couldn't be heard. A dove was sitting on the tree hanging over the water. She saw the ant struggling and then she quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of the river. The ant called out in its tiny voice. Thank you, kind dove, you have saved my life", but of course the dove couldn't hear him. Several days afterward, the dove was again sitting on the tree, a hunter crept carefully up to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and he was about to shoot. Then he was bitten in the leg by an ant and cried out with pain, finally the hunter dropped his gun. This frightened the dove, and she flew away. "Thank you, kind ant" cooed the dove. The ant heard it and happy that he could help her. Answer the questions below based on the text above!

39 What did the dove do to help the ant?
40. Why did the hunter cry out with pain?​

Ant and Dove
An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed so fast that he was washed off from the bank into the river. 7 shall drown" he cried. "Help! Help! Help!", but his voice was so tiny that it couldn't be heard. A dove was sitting on the tree hanging over the water. She saw the ant struggling and then she quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of the river. The ant called out in its tiny voice. Thank you, kind dove, you have saved my life", but of course the dove couldn't hear him. Several days afterward, the dove was again sitting on the tree, a hunter crept carefully up to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and he was about to shoot. Then he was bitten in the leg by an ant and cried out with pain, finally the hunter dropped his gun. This frightened the dove, and she flew away. "Thank you, kind ant" cooed the dove. The ant heard it and happy that he could help her. Answer the questions below based on the text above!

39 What did the dove do to help the ant?
40. Why did the hunter cry out with pain?​ terjemahkan!
Semut dan Merpati
Seekor semut pergi ke sungai untuk minum. Air mengalir begitu cepat sehingga dia hanyut dari tepian ke sungai. 7 akan tenggelam" teriaknya. "Tolong! Membantu! Tolong!", Tapi suaranya sangat kecil sehingga tidak bisa didengar. Seekor merpati duduk di pohon yang tergantung di atas air. Dia melihat semut berjuang dan kemudian dia dengan cepat menggigit sehelai daun dan membiarkannya jatuh ke air. . Semut naik ke atasnya dan terapung di sungai sampai daunnya tersapu di tepi sungai. Semut memanggil dengan suara kecilnya. Terima kasih, merpati yang baik, Anda telah menyelamatkan hidup saya", tetapi tentu saja merpati tidak bisa mendengarnya. Beberapa hari kemudian, merpati itu kembali duduk di pohon, seorang pemburu merayap dengan hati-hati ke pohon. Pistolnya diarahkan ke merpati dan dia akan menembak. Kemudian kakinya digigit semut dan berteriak kesakitan, akhirnya si pemburu menjatuhkan senjatanya. Ini menakuti merpati, dan dia terbang. "Terima kasih, semut yang baik" bujuk merpati. Semut mendengarnya dan senang bahwa dia bisa membantunya. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan teks di atas!

39 Apa yang dilakukan merpati untuk membantu semut?
40. Mengapa pemburu itu berteriak kesakitan?​
(jawabannya) him(menolongnya)
40.because his leg was bitten by an ant(karna kakinya digigit semut )
sorry if something went wrong